
Technology is an amazing tool, but it can also be challenging, especially when you're just starting to learn. And as an educator, it's often hard to find good resources and curriculum for helping kids starting out on their tech journey. The purpose of this site is to give you, a teacher, mentor, or other educational leader, a resource to help your students learn about technology in an engaging, accessible way.

Welcome to Your Tech Journey

The purpose of this site is to provide a structured curriculum for learning about the world of technology. It has been designed in a way that is intended to be both instructional and engaging. Lessons include a mix of watching, reading, and activities to do. While anyone looking to learn more about technology will find this site useful, it is especially intended to help middle-school level learners.

Lessons are broken down into weekly segments, with two lessons per week, each intended to take 45-90 minutes to complete.

So you want to be a software developer? This course is all about learning the basics of software development, using the Python language. By the end of the course, you should have a good understanding of how programming languages work, and even create a few applications and games!

Are you ready to get your game on? In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of game design using the free and open-source Godot game engine!

Welcome to the web! This course is all about web design & development. You'll learn a bit about the web, it's history, how it works, and how you can use it to build your own websites!

Computers are everywhere. From your phone and your laptop, to restaurant signs and airplanes. But how do they work? In this course, you will learn about the history of computers, how they work, and why they play such a major role in society.