Module 01 - Hosting a Website
Module 01 - Hosting a Website
Day One
Day Two
(0) Warm-Up: "NGINX in 100 Seconds"
(0) Building on the information learned from Day One, we're going to use a VPS to build a simple website!
1. Create a new instance with Ubuntu 18.04 using Amazon LightSail. (note: a credit card is required to create an account, but the instance is free to use for up to 90 days before the card is charged).
2. Create a new static IP address and attach it to instance.
3. SSH into instance by clicking the orange "terminal" icon above your instance.
4. Once you have connected to your server via SSH, run the command 'sudo apt update'
5. Run 'sudo apt install nginx'
6. Open your server's IP address in a browser to confirm nginx is properly serving your website now.
7. Browse to the web content folder with 'cd /var/www/html'
8. Look at the files in the folder with 'ls'
9. Rename the index file to index.html with 'sudo cp index.nginx-debian.html index.html' (makes a copy of original file into new file index.html) and then 'sudo rm index.nginx-debian.html' (deletes the original file)
10. Edit the index.html file using 'sudo nano index.html'
11. When you're done editing, save the file by pressing 'Ctrl + O' and then exit by pressing 'Ctrl + X'
12. Go back to your browser and press 'Shift + refresh' to see your changes to your website.
13. Repeat steps 10-12 as much as you want.