
Web design & development can be challenging, especially when you're just starting to learn. And as an educator, it's often hard to find good resources and curriculum for helping kids starting out on their web design & development journey. The purpose of this site is to give you, a teacher, mentor, or other educational leader, a resource to help your students learn web design and development in an engaging, accessible way.

Welcome to Your Web Design & Development Journey

The purpose of this site is to provide a general understanding of the Internet and how to use it to create and host your own websites. It has been designed in a way that is intended to be both instructional and engaging. Lessons include a mix of watching, reading, and activities to do. It relies heavily on a number of videos found around the web. The course assumes a client and server environment of Linux, but can be re-purposed to work for Windows (client and server) and Mac (client) as well.

Lessons are broken down into weekly segments, with two lessons per week, each intended to take 45-90 minutes to complete.

Welcome to your web development journey! This first module will give you an introduction to what the Internet is, how it works, and the history behind it!

We've all used websites before, but when you type an address into your browser or use a mobile app, where does that information come from? In this module, we'll learn all about that!

A website without design isn't much more interesting than a document. In this module, we'll learn about how to style a webpage using Cascading Style Sheets, or "CSS".

Module 03

So far, we've learned how to make a web page, but now it's time to learn how to make a web site. In this module, we'll learn about how to plan a logical file system for your website.

Module 04

Coming soon...

Module 05

Coming soon...