Module 03 - Strings and Files
Module 03 - Strings and Files
Day One
(0) Warm Up: “Get Started with Visual Studio Code”
(0) "Coding Projects in Python" p.26, bottom of p.55 (Strings and Integers). This is a re-read, but will help reinforce what you watched today.
(0) Create a Python program that counts the number of letters in a string. It should do the following:
0. Create a fancy welcome message when starting the program (see the following image for an example)
1. Greet the user, and tell them the program will check the number of letters in a word.
2. Ask the user to enter a word.
3. Repeat to the user what their word was, and tell them how many letters are in the word.
4. Ask the user if they would like to enter another word. If they choose yes, repeat steps 2-4, if they choose no, exit the program.
5. You might want to reference this webpage for hints
Day Two
(0) Warm Up: “Files & File Systems”
(0) Code example for "Writing to Files in Python" from the reading.